Thursday, November 28, 2019

Close Reading Analysis Of Last Of His Kind Essays -

Close Reading Analysis of Last Of His Kind The 33rd President of the United States of America, Harry S. Truman, had over ten biographies published about him, each one being different from one another. This book is especially unique due to its style, easy reading, and simple sentence structure. The tone of the book Last of His Kind, by Charles Robbins, is best described as informative and effusive, in other words the book is very outgoing by often giving "fun facts" and a great deal of insight. There is also some juggling of conversation between Harry, his friends, and the author. This "juggling" helps to give the book its own distinct style and also keeps the reader focused. The author's view towards Truman was very admiring. The style is informal for conversations due to the use of jargon like "I put up a whirlwind membership campaign for the Kansas city Automobile Club and made a good living at it." This suggests that Truman is being involved in automobiles and often gives a little insight. Also, it often seems as though Harry is speaking to the reader directly. Slang is also a big part of conversation mostly because of the author's attempts of making the conversations appear more life-like by giving the people the southern accent that they had. Slang sayings like "?you were late and you caught the devil" are also often used, throughout the whole book. Other slang words like "Bum," and "gimpy" are also being used. The formality and informality fluctuates between the author and Harry. When Harry is speaking the style is informal but when the author is speaking the style switches to high formal. The sentence structure is basically simple and conversation-like when Truman or his family/friends are speaking but changes to compound and sometimes complex when the author is speaking. A good example would be "?[s]o I came to the United states senate and went to work? (notice the simple words) Beyond pointing out that both his opponents had not been above seeking Pendergast's help?." Notice the change of style between Truman's sentence and the author's. Figurative language like metaphors and similes are only used in conversations. Most sentences are clear, organized and parallel. They are also very specific when referring to certain actions in the past that will affect the future. The sentences are mainly short thought they sometimes tend to run on. (nobody is perfect) The diction, often formal when the author speaks, tends to push towards formal due to the choice of elegant words used, but when Truman speaks, it tends to be informal and neutral. Denotation and connotation, even though its hardly used, it is used when Truman speaks about his wife, Bess, and daughter, Margaret. The syntax maintains an active voice throughout the whole book and only is passive in a few small spots. The sentences are loose in some parts and become periodic in other parts; it mostly depends on what is going on. A good place to find periodic sentences is around the atomic bomb, and the firing of Gen. MacArthur. Parallel structure is maintained throughout the book and is sometimes not parallel when Truman speak. The syntax is generally simple and only slightly becomes complex when the author speaks. Simple syntax, a peaceful tone, and great insight on Harry S. Truman all contribute to the style of the book making it unique and captivating. The mixture of first and third person point of view combined with all the other good aspects of this book make it not only interesting but also bring it one step closer to grammatical perfection.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Free Essays on Fellowship Of The Craft

, it’s layered facets include the sailors inexplicable link to the see, which leads to a common belief system that then leads to a trust, resulting in a deep bond or brotherhood within a crew. These relationships coincide with the captain’s, and are overshadowed by the militarily reminiscent no-questions-asked authority of the captain, again born of the same links to the sea and unwavering trust. These two end results of the fellowship are the entire basis of a successful voyage, in both the safety and productivity of a vessel, and the emotional well being of her crew. Joseph Conrad concludes that â€Å"it is the sea that gives it-the vastness, the loneliness surrounding their dark stolid souls,† (Conrad, pg. 1095) making a sailor what he is. A further example of the innately honorable relationship within a crew can be noted a sailors own recollections, â€Å"Can you imagine a rough, uneducated sailor like Jim, forgetting all about himself at a time like tha t and thinking only of the safety of a shipmate? Ah!-They were the men that were true, uncut diamonds of the first water and coming to the surface they cast a beam of sunshine when you least expected it.† (Harlow, pg. 364) These men are ... Free Essays on Fellowship Of The Craft Free Essays on Fellowship Of The Craft â€Å"The Fellowship of the Craft† The â€Å"fellowship of the craft† is truly the most important aspect of a crew, and therefore of their ship and her voyage. This fellowship or comradery is the tie that binds the men together, with common goals, views and especially the trust the afore mentioned bring, making the fellowship the life-blood of a vessel. Authors of sea literature illustrate and utilize this fellowship in numerous ways, helping to give the unknowing, unsea-worthy reader an opportunity to better understand this mystical connection. The fellowship of the craft is an extraordinarily complex inter-relationship of crew, captain & inevitably, the sea herself. While one would be hard-pressed to fully explain this with mere words, it’s layered facets include the sailors inexplicable link to the see, which leads to a common belief system that then leads to a trust, resulting in a deep bond or brotherhood within a crew. These relationships coincide with the captain’s, and are overshadowed by the militarily reminiscent no-questions-asked authority of the captain, again born of the same links to the sea and unwavering trust. These two end results of the fellowship are the entire basis of a successful voyage, in both the safety and productivity of a vessel, and the emotional well being of her crew. Joseph Conrad concludes that â€Å"it is the sea that gives it-the vastness, the loneliness surrounding their dark stolid souls,† (Conrad, pg. 1095) making a sailor what he is. A further example of the innately honorable relationship within a crew can be noted a sailors own recollections, â€Å"Can you imagine a rough, uneducated sailor like Jim, forgetting all about himself at a time like that and thinking only of the safety of a shipmate? Ah!-They were the men that were true, uncut diamonds of the first water and coming to the surface they cast a beam of sunshine when you least expected it.† (Harlow, pg. 364) These men are ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Paper - What is a Database Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Paper - What is a Database - Essay Example As an example of the business use of a database, an online store is a common one, and E-bay is a large database that consists of customers and sale items. It is an also an example of a database with a web-form, that is, a form where a customer can enter their contact information along with the information about the item they want to sell. As a second example that relates to this one, any business needs to track clients or customers and their respective contact information. While the following will expand on the example of an online store, it should be mentioned that most business' have customers and most customers need to be tracked, so this is a second example of a business application. An online store, like E-bay, would need at least two tables of information, and these would be a table that contained customers and their information and financial transactions, and in turn, a store would also minimally have a table that contained all of the items that were for sale. In general, a ta ble is a set of information that has unique and self-contained information. In the case of the store, one wants to establish a 'relational' [O'Neill and O'Neill 15] database – that is, one needs to link up the customers (table 1) with their inventory (e.g. table 2), but one also needs to keep this information apart.